Urdu Special keyboard allow us to write urdu in any application such that facebook, twitter, email, sms etc.. with greate functional urdu with smilies etc..Change your keyboard from the urdu to english and english to urdu within the keyboard.Change your keyboard background from keyboard inside. So very easy to write urdu in any application for urdu speaker and writer. Now urdu keyboard is availabe for those people who want to write urdu with friends in any application.
Autocomplition: you can check the option in setting to automatically complete you words.
Themes : You can select your best theme to look your keyboard more beutifull.
Predection :
KeyPreview: It show keypreview too.
How to use it...
After installing the Urdu Special Keyboard click on "keyboard Enable" and select urdu special keyboard.
After that click on "Keybaord Set" to select your default keyboard, click here in "urdu special keyboard".
Now you can enjoy your mother language in every apps. Thxxx,,,